Shooting my Sony FS5 alongside my ARRI Amira to get the best possible match.
The problem with Sony cameras has always been their colours - they have tremendous dynamic range when shooting S-Log 2 & 3 and a host of other fantastic features but in order to unlock the full potential out of my Sony Cameras, I needed to fix the colour.
To do so, I designed Phantom LUTs that come in two 5-packs .
The 'Alexa Look' and the 'Film Look' Packs.
Each LUT comes with S-Log2 and S-Log3 Versions.
These LUTs will ensure your highlights roll off smoothly, and gracefully like Film/Alexa and your shadows will be rich and filmic - while still maintaining detail. They are super easy to use and will help you get that cinematic look you’re looking for.
The 'Alexa Looks'
The 'Film Looks'
Camera Compatibility:
FS7 LUTs - FS5, FS7, A7III, A7RII, A7RIII, A7RIV, A7SII, ZV1, ZV-E10, A6400, A6500, A6600
'ARRI Look' LUTs - $49 USD
'Film Look' LUTs - $49 USD
All 11 in one Bundle (Most Popular) - $79 USD
The ARRI 5-Pack
Along with the emulation LUT, there are 4 creative variation LUTs that come with it packaged as the ARRI LUT 5 Pack.
This LUT pack was developed alongside Joel’s ARRI Amira over hundreds of hours of testing and side by side comparison footage. As well as the ‘Neutral’ LUT which emulates ARRI’s ALEXA Rec709 LUT, there are 4 other stylised LUTs included.
The 5 ARRI LUTs Described Below:
A neutral ARRI look - no colour cast or 'look' - just the classic ALEXA Rec709 look developed for my FS7 alongside my ARRI Amira.
A slightly warmer golden cast designed to be utilised for subjects bathed in tungsten light.
Blue, colder cast with punchy, deep blues (looks amazing on subjects with blue eyes).
Green and gold cast - distinctive, rich, filmic greens and beautiful golden skintones.
The most filmic look of the LUTs
Blood red reds and filmic blues and greens.
It’s my personal take on what Utopia would look like.
The FILM 6-Pack
For the nostalgic among you, I have developed 6 Film Emulation LUTs that each emulate film stocks from the past.
The ‘Film Look’ LUT Pack contains 6 LUTs inspired by real film stocks designed to give your S-Log Footage the Film Look. The emulations are based on my own research and subjective impressions of the film stocks listed.
The 6 FILM LUTs Described Below:
‘Vision’ - Modelled on Kodak Vision 5274
Shot on: The Matrix, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Gladiator
The most colour accurate stock with accurate blues, slightly cool greens, accurate skin tones which slightly skew pink/gold
Strong contrast and filmic subtractive colour model in saturation
Gentle roll off and rich, smooth fall off in shadows
Skews green in shadow areas and when underexposed
Classic film character but less stylised than any other stock
‘Eastman’ - Modelled on Kodak Eastman 5247
Shot on: Apocalypse Now, Bladerunner, Alien, ET
Vintage, dated Kodak look and feel.
Saturation strongest in mids and falls off in shadows and highlights.
Greens skew warm, blues slightly turquoise, gold/pink skin-tones.
Smoother contrast than modern stocks.
‘Eastman RM’ - Variation on Kodak Eastman 5247
Classic Eastman Look but modernised (Orange & Teal)
Greener in cast than the more magenta original Eastman 5247
Modelled on the Re-Graded versions of classic films from 70s & 80s
‘Vision Teal’ - Variation on Kodak Vision 5274
Subtle Orange/Teal colour scheme.
More stylised version of ‘Vision’. Less realistic - ‘prettier’.
Greens are slightly warmer, blues slightly turquoise and skin more golden.
Overall lift in saturation and contrast compared to ‘Vision’ but still balanced.
Can elevate a dull scene with its look but not overpower a rich scene.
‘Eterna’ - Modelled on Fuji Eterna 8563
Shot on: Captain Phillips, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, The Butler
Overall smoother contrast and rolloff compared to Kodak.
Rich but not overpowering colours and saturation characteristics.
My go-to for Fashion and Beauty but can work with almost anything.
Very flattering skin-tones.
Greens are cool and rich, skin is golden, blues skew turquoise and modern, colour accurate yellows compared to Kodak.
‘Bleach’ - Modelled on Fujifilm Super F 8552
Shot on: Munich, War of The Worlds, Crash
Modelling the Bleach Bypass process for strong contrast and low saturation.
Aggressive, gritty look - halfway between black and white and colour film.
Great for War Films, Crime, Urban Fashion.
Works especially well with heavy film grain.
These LUTs are designed to deliver:
An organic, smooth and gentle highlight roll-off that mimics Alexa in it's highlight rendering to give an overall organic and naturalistic feel to the footage.
Natural skin tones designed to render contrast levels on skin like an ARRI Alexa.
Naturalistic, organic and classic colours.
Rich but not crushed shadows so that these LUTs can be used in low light scenes as well as broad daylight.
Commensurate exposure levels with the input footage that didn't shrink the dynamic range of the camera by blowing out the highlights and crushing the shadows and that didn't radically change the 'brightness' or 'darkness' of the footage one way or the other.
What’s in the box?
FS7 Legacy LUT Pack
65x High-Resolution editing LUTs (S-Log2, S-Log2+S-Gamut3.cine and S-Log3)
33x Monitoring LUTs (for use monitoring or in-camera)
ATOMOS Monitoring LUTs (designed to fix colour issues with older ATOMOS Monitors)
White Balance Offset variation on each LUT (Green and Warm Boost)
Wide Dynamic Range Pre-LUT
Detailed ReadMe PDF with recommended settings
The images below are taken from video projects that were colour graded with Phantom LUTs.